Tuesday, November 9, 2010

forever 21 neeeeeeeeeeeeewbs

ok so forever 21 is opening this friday on henry street. so Obviously since i have never been to the states  i have never been in forever 21 but apparntly its like the American pennys well so i have been told, so this gets me really excited!!!!!!!! every girl no matter what age or what size loves pennys, like come on its definatly caught up with the fashion scene compared to a couple of years back NOW imagine an american version :O the excitment . so right now im having a nose on the forever21.com website and below im gonna paste some looks i really like that u might find intresting and it will give  a little teaser for all them people like me that dont have a clue what its going to be like ...

New arrivals

They also have an amazing range of accessories

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