Sunday, April 8, 2012

nasty gal inspirations

so i was just having a quick browse on nasty gal and i got SO inspired by all there new stock here is some of my favourite looks!







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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April inspirations

hey bloggys

just a few photo inspirations for April i have come across!

thinking about putting blonde chunks in my hair a lot nicer than this though ! this picture is not the best i love grav3yardgirls hair so i think  i will try a look like hers .

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

keys items for spring!!

hey bloggys!

ok so its literally been over a year since I posted a blog update, my life has completely changed since i last posted and for some of you that don't know I am now a mammy! :)…. anyways i decided to have another go at this whole blog thing, I think its a good way to express myself instead of keeping all these taught trapped. I am going to try update everyday and hopefully have a give away at the end of every month for you guys! even though right now i have a lackage of followers hopefully it will pick up soon!. maybe a urban decay or mac giveaway to start off?! we’ll see!.


Enough of this rambling on!!! lets get to my 3 key items for Spring which apparently where in the middle of right now!

ok so I am really in love with these duffle's this spring they are nice and light almost like a mac but i think they are more of a fashion piece.  You could really pair it with anything . I also like this one as it is a dark navy which is almost black, as I'm not exactly fond of blue navy cause its really hard to find anything that goes well with it.  This exact one is available from topshop but you can also buy one similar in the men’s section in Penney’s (Primark) which is half the price .  I think I will do a OOTD soon with one of these.

another one of my faves this spring would be pastel nail polishes! this is not my image by the way, i will be posting a review in the next few days of these beautiful colours from essence .  Il also add a nice pastel yellow one which i cant get my hands off this year.  These essence polishes are amazing and only work out at 1 euro 30 for a bottle wish u really cant say no to.  You can buy them at any Penney's (Primark) outlet , a lot of chemist stock them also.


a trend seen at Christian Dior this year would be nails to match lips. Spring is the time of year where girls can really become feminine again and not be all wrapped up and hidden like in winter so its a great time to paint your toes and your fingers to match them beautiful pouting lips.  A colour i would recommend would be Satin from MAC.  Its red with a pinkie hint it could be either or really but i think it would be really nice for day or night!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

forever 21 neeeeeeeeeeeeewbs

ok so forever 21 is opening this friday on henry street. so Obviously since i have never been to the states  i have never been in forever 21 but apparntly its like the American pennys well so i have been told, so this gets me really excited!!!!!!!! every girl no matter what age or what size loves pennys, like come on its definatly caught up with the fashion scene compared to a couple of years back NOW imagine an american version :O the excitment . so right now im having a nose on the website and below im gonna paste some looks i really like that u might find intresting and it will give  a little teaser for all them people like me that dont have a clue what its going to be like ...

New arrivals

They also have an amazing range of accessories

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

youtube make up tutorials!!!!!!!

ok so i started my new college in September and once a week we have a theatrical make up class . Before i started the course i wasnt really into the whole make up thing obviously i didnt hate it but i was more into the costume design and construction aspect of things! but now that I have gotten into the make up a bit more i really love it . ANYWAYS . ok so what i taught was that 'ooh god all them make up looks seem really hard ' and 'id never be able to do that 'ERRRRR WRONG there super easy!!!!!! so i was thinking of maybe doing some make up tutorial videos on you tube !! CATCH IS all u have to do is tell me what u want to see obviously im not a make up artist but il defo be able to do a fair variety of stuff and i can help u learn and tell you were to get the cheap stuffs . no done get me wrong i probably wont end up doing this for awhile especially since no one seems to give me feed back but defo if u think its a good idea even like this i duno:p its you that will be watching the videos not me haha!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

treak or treat?

ok for those of you who dont know halloween is my faveourite time of the year ! let me guesse your thinking oh how typical everyone says that NO! I have allways loved halloween it will always be my faveourite better then christmas better then my birthday better then EVERYTHING . I love the weather, the evening times when its not too cold and that split of sun through the clouds that gleams in your eye and glistens off the orange leaves its amazing!. its a very spiritual season and for some reason really motivates me . This year im gonna carve a pumpkin for my first time i can not wait im so excited , Im actually dreading taking all the gooy bits from the inside out but its all in the process i suppose. i wanna do something amazing on the outside saying that its probably harder then it looks heres some images i have been thinking of!

ok so obviously there are some more impressive ones people do that u might see on google but im only new and i have never done this before so im gonna start off on something a little simple:P i think they look great though especially at night and its not something you really see. well not were i live anyway!
me and the bf also decided were gonna celebrate all day and were even gonna have matching costumes its gonna be epic. no plans yet though wel probably head town !



what have u been loving about this month?!?! anything new in your life ? new interest? new purchase? new hair? new look? feel free to comment id love to hear :D<3

minnie x

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

zombie nation

OK so im actually becoming obsessed with the iron fist collection . Ive seen there shoe collection a few times when ive been in schuh but i never realised there was an actual online store. Im gonna get my v3 card on the ready . They sell everything from t's to leggings and bags to hats. Im starting college in september/october so i treated myself to the zombie bag above the prices are pretty reasonable and i think the colours are pretty class. I found it really hard to choose between the zombie bag and wearwolf bag as they are both amazing!! i think il deffo be buying the unicorn bag next. it will have to be oreder online though :(

iron fist ! whats your opinion???